with Ryan Daniel Moran

This episode of Freedom Fast Lane features prior guest, James Swanwick. James has created a great brand - Swanwick Sleep - and has learned how to use cognitive biases to make his prospects WANT to become customers. On this episode, James explains how to effectively highlight the prospect’s pain, how to describe the benefits of your product instead of its features, how and why to use testimonials, how to use the element of scarcity honestly and effectively, how to demonstrate that your product is affordable and a great deal, how to make it super easy to buy your product, and the Lollapalooza effect. Yes, it’s a strange term, but you can find out what it is on this episode.

It’s important to talk about benefits customers receive from using your products.

Do you know the difference between the features of your products and the benefits? If you don’t, you’re going to waste a lot of time creating product pages that don’t convert prospects to buyers. Benefits describe a buyer is going to get from purchasing your product, the perks of using it. Features describe things like the size, the material it’s made of, the manufacturing process, and more details that most people don’t care about. James Swanwick tells how to describe your products in compelling ways that make people want to buy them, on this episode.

On your product pages, you need to talk to one person, not a group.

When you phrase your product copy as if you are speaking to an individual rather than a group, you will see your conversions go up. James Swanwick has an interesting approach to this technique. Once he writes a page, he’ll go through to see how many times he’s used the word “you” in the copy - then he doubles it. He’s found that the more the reader feels that you are speaking directly to them, they are more apt to buy your products. His increased sales prove that there’s something to his theory, so be sure you listen to find out more of the ways Swanwick Sleep has increased sales using cognitive biases.

Get dramatic increases in product sales by adding video demonstrations.

Swanwick Sleep was doing alright with sales, but they wanted to do everything they could with their individual product pages to increase their opportunities to convert prospects to sales. One of the things they decided to try was the addition of product demonstration videos. Sales conversions went up dramatically. What they discovered was that the longer people stay on your product pages - which videos make happen - the more they become comfortable with your brand and the more likely they are to buy your product. You can learn how James and the team at Swanwick Sleep use this video hack and other cognitive bias techniques to increase sales, on this episode of Freedom Fast Lane.

Split testing is a crucial technique you can use to test your product pages to increase sales.

If you are going to increase product sales you’ve got make sure that the elements you are using on your sales pages are the RIGHT elements. That means you have to test everything. It’s the only way you’re going to know what your potential customers respond to well and what they don’t like at all. To get started with testing, begin with price. You never really know if the price you are asking for your product is the right price until you test it. You’ll soon discover that even a slightly lower price might increase sales, which multiplies the bottom line.

Outline Of This Great Episode

  • [0:16] Introduction to James Swanwick.
  • [1:54] How the SS team uses a list of cognitive biases to sell more products.
  • [3:41] Why you should talk about benefits, not features.
  • [6:20] Talk about the pain your potential customers are experiencing?
  • [8:05] Use the word “you” to talk to one person rather than a group.
  • [9:00] What are the best ways to use the concept of scarcity?
  • [10:16] Using testimonials and how they impact the human brain.
  • [12:14] Do you know how to use authority bias to sell your products?
  • [16:30] Considering the personality types who may be buying to your product.
  • [17:57] What James discovered when he included product videos (Youtube videos).
  • [22:56] The vital importance of testing to find the most effective options.
  • [24:33] Why price is the first place you should test for better conversions.
  • [27:00] How to use colors for your purchase buttons more actionable.
  • [29:24] What IS the Lollapalooza effect?

Action Steps From This Episode

FOR GETTING STARTED: If you are going to increase product sales you’ve got make sure that the elements you are using on your sales pages are the RIGHT elements. That means you have to test everything. But start with price. You never really know if the price you are asking for your product is the right price until you test it.

FOR GREATER SUCCESS: Do everything you can to combine the techniques of cognitive bias that James covers on this episode. What you’ll experience is the Lollapalooza effect, when people simply can’t wait to buy your products.

Connect With Today’s guest: James Swanwick or James(at)

Swanwick Sleep

The 30-day No Alcohol Program

The James Swanwick Show Podcast

Resources Mentioned On This Episode

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P.S. Tickets for this year’s Capitalism Conference (Formerly Freedom Fast Lane LIVE) are now on sale. Go get your tickets here!

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Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am EDT

Among the people who have been part of the Freedom Fast Lane Tribe and Boardroom, there are none who have excelled like the guys on this episode. Kevin and Jeremy have created a company that is coming into its own in the nutritional supplement space and are on their way to $50M in annual sales. The Nested Naturals story is an amazing example of what can happen when you decide to grow things beyond a cash-flow business in order to make a larger, more fulfilling impact in the world. You can hear their story on this episode of Freedom Fast Lane.

The destination determines what you do to get there, with any company.

One of the things that has enabled Kevin and Jeremy to lead the Nested Naturals team through an amazing amount of change in the last 12 months is a change in mindset they experienced. Both of them have enjoyed the travel lifestyle that many entrepreneurs get to experience by establishing a successful cash flow business, but neither of them was satisfied with that. They felt a need to make a larger impact and decided it was time to begin making decisions that corresponded to the impact they wanted to make. Find out how their $50M decisions change the way they do business, on this episode.

The power of team culture can’t be underestimated when scaling a business.

In this conversation, Ryan asked Kevin and Jeremy about the most significant changes they made to grow their business far beyond the $5M mark and both of them said the team they’ve been able to assemble is key to their success. But Ryan dug deeper, asking what they’ve done to be so successful at hiring - and both of them pointed to their intentionality when it comes to creating a positive, fun, creative team culture. You can hear how they went about it and the results they've experienced in this conversation, so be sure you listen.

Building a true brand is always a slow and steady process.

There was a day when private label sales on Amazon was first showing promise that entrepreneurs were able to build a successful company pretty quickly, but now that the competition and marketplace have become saturated, it’s the little, consistent things that add up to big gains. Kevin and Jeremy from Nested Naturals say that their growth as a company is coming through a deliberate, methodically determined plan they follow. They are chipping away at the mountain day by day and see their goal of being a $50M company looming on the horizon. You’ll be inspired by the type of consistency these guys have applied, so be sure you listen to find out how they do it.

Many vital aspects of a brand are difficult to build selling only on Amazon.

Amazon is a great way to get your product or company rolling. The buying audience that is the primary benefit of the platform can’t be beat. But once you’re there you find that some of the more important aspects of actually becoming a trusted brand are difficult to achieve, simply because you don’t have direct access to your customers. That’s why Kevin and Jeremy, founders of Nested Naturals have been using social media to provide valuable educational content to their audience. They’re seeing tens of thousands of people watch their videos and many join their mailing list, and the trust for who they are what their company is about is skyrocketing as a result.

Outline Of This Great Episode

  • [0:24] Ryan’s introduction of Jeremy and Kevin - previous guests to share their success story.
  • [5:36] The journey from $5M: solidifying the brand, clarifying the “why,” office space.
  • [8:01] Why the NN team decided to scale rather than settle into their success.
  • [11:15] What did these guys do differently from those who don’t succeed?
  • [15:40] Aggressive product launches and team members that have paid off big time.
  • [19:20] What changed in Jeremy and Kevin to enable this type of growth?
  • [21:08] The adjustment required to handle added amounts of stress that come with growth.
  • [25:43] How did the rebranding process impact the company as a whole?
  • [28:15] Results from the social media efforts to stand out as a brand.
  • [32:18] Any specific things that had a larger than expected ROI?
  • [37:14] Why building a true brand is always a slow and steady process.
  • [40:46] Consumer trust is difficult to build solely on Amazon.

Action Steps From This Episode

FOR GREATER SUCCESS: If you want to scale your business in astronomical ways you need to start thinking and acting like that is where you are headed. You think differently about your decisions today if you know that where you’re headed is a much bigger place.

Connect With Today’s repeat guests: Jeremy and Kevin

Nested Naturals

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P.S. Tickets for this year’s Capitalism Conference (Formerly Freedom Fast Lane LIVE) are now on sale. Go get your tickets here!

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Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am EDT

When Ryan first met Mauricio Rauld it was in the context of purchasing an ownership interest in his favorite baseball team, the Cleveland Indians. In the end, the Indians did not get purchased by a syndicate like Ryan was hoping, but Ryan made the connection with Mauricio as a result and his learning curve about alternative assets took off. Mauricio is an amazing individual who is part of a team that helps people raise money to build investments in real estate and other alternative assets. You’ll be amazed at some of the returns his clients are seeing and how they are achieving those returns. You can hear it all on this episode of Freedom Fast Lane.

What are alternative assets and why are they so attractive these days?

Alternative assets are any kind of investment you can purchase that is not a stock - not related in any way to Wall Street. So buying gold is considered an alternative asset, as is the purchase of real estate. Mauricio Rauld believes that alternative assets are the way to go because they are less likely to be impacted by market downturns and provide a tangible asset that can be used even should a downturn be experienced. On this episode, Mauricio shares how his company is actively investing in mobile home parks and other real estate ventures to provide a great return for their investors. It’s a model more and more people are pursuing, so find out how you can as well by listening.

Why Mauricio Rauld stays as far from Wall Street as possible.

Wall Street, by the very nature of what it is, is tied directly to the ebbs and flows of the economic state of the country. Investing in Wall Street can be very lucrative but can also be very dangerous, especially at a time like we are currently experiencing where a downturn is likely to be on the near horizon. Mauricio Rauld says that he stays as far away from Wall Street as possible simply because he wants to have his money invested in things that won’t be impacted as dramatically by market changes. You can find out how he does that why he thinks it’s the best way to go for the foreseeable future, on this episode.

The REAL story behind passive income.

It’s a very attractive thought to imagine that you can have some kind of “passive” income to fuel your lifestyle. But you need to understand something: that kind of passive income is not a reality. There is always a successful business behind any income that seems to be passive. Think of it as an investment that is funded by the business. The business generates the cash to be invested and the investment does what it is meant to do - generate more cash. Mauricio Rauld explains how investing in alternative assets is one way to realize a source of cash flow that many would consider “passive,” on this episode.

What ahead for this economy (2017)?

As of the middle of the year, 2017 - the United States economy has been on a very long and protracted uphill climb. Statistically, it’s a longer time of growth than we’ve ever seen before. That fact alone leads many to believe that a downturn is coming sooner rather than later. That’s one of the reasons that Mauricio Rauld and his company are investing heavily in mobile home parks. Their belief is that every person, no matter the state of the economy, will need a place to live - and mobile home parks are among the most affordable sources of housing. That makes wise investments in mobile home parks almost recession proof. Find out more about how this kind of investment makes sense in light of a possible downturn, on this episode of Freedom Fast Lane.

Outline Of This Great Episode

  • [0:24] Ryan’s introduction of his guest, Mauricio Rauld.
  • [6:02] Mauricio’s superpower and why he’s on the show for this episode.
  • [7:55] How Mauricio shined a light on Ryan’s way of thinking and approach to investing.
  • [13:55] What was it that prompted Mauricio to leave his law practice?
  • [15:14] What are “alternative assets?”
  • [16:45] Why mobile home parks are one of the more attractive alternative assets at the moment.
  • [19:43] Why Mauricio is raising money for investors rather than using lenders.
  • [24:00] Mauricio’s take on the current economic outlook (July 2017).
  • [26:41] How Mauricio’s team enables his business to work.
  • [28:34] How the team acquires its properties so effectively.
  • [32:02] How investor agreements are structured in a typical situation.
  • [37:13] How depreciation offsets income for real estate investors.

Action Steps From This Episode

FOR GETTING STARTED: Adjust your thinking about how “passive income” really happens. There is always some kind of successful business behind what seems to be passive. Think of it like an investment that is funded by the business. When you get that concept you’ll understand why every passive income opportunity requires a lot of work (by someone) on the front end.

FOR GREATER SUCCESS: Consider adopting Mike Dillard’s philosophy. You don’t need to become an expert in the fields you want to make money from. You just need to find the people who are trustworthy experts in that area and invest in them. You’ll find your returns come more quickly and at a greater rate of return simply because your own learning curve is not the bottleneck to your wealth-building process.

Connect With Today’s guest: Mauricio Rauld

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Resources Mentioned On This Episode

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P.S. Tickets for this year’s Capitalism Conference (Formerly Freedom Fast Lane LIVE) are now on sale. Go get your tickets here!

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Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am EDT

This episode is aptly named: E-commerce business ideas for driving traffic and converting customers - and the guy who’s telling us what’s working and how to do it on this episode is Ezra Firestone. Ezra is a long-time, experienced e-commerce entrepreneur who has created a massive 7-figure e-commerce business for himself. He knows a thing or two about running a successful e-commerce business. During this conversation with Ryan, the two discuss the full spectrum of what it looks like to build a physical products brand and Ezra shares how he’s using Facebook Messenger, Pinterest, and email to drive traffic to his sales pages. But maybe the most important thing you'll hear is the most succinct and clear way to run an EFFECTIVE e-commerce sales funnel you can imagine. You will be sorry if you don’t listen to this conversation.

Making people do something before you give them a discount is a hot e-commerce idea.

One of the little gems Ezra Firestone shared during this conversation had to do with the sequence he’s using on Facebook Messenger that is building his list on the FB platform rapidly and successfully. He finds that asking prospective customers to make “micro-commitments” increases their commitment to follow through with a purchase. Ezra shares what he asks his prospective customers to do, why he thinks it works, and exactly how he sets it up in his Messenger sequence, on this episode.

90% open rates - if you use Facebook Messenger for your e-commerce sales funnel.

Ezra Firestone says he used to think of his customer list only in terms of email. But he’s come to see that the people he is able to reach use all kinds of channels to communicate, interact with others, and make purchases. From Pinterest to Facebook Messenger, the e-commerce business ideas Ezra has either tried or is experimenting with are amazing - and on this episode, he shares what he’s done in those areas and the results he’s seeing. It’s nothing but good stuff - so make sure you listen.

Longer form content is actually on the rise in the e-commerce world.

In the past few years, there have been many people advising bloggers, podcasters, sellers, etc. to abandon long-form content. But Ezra Firestone says he’s seeing a rise in both the popularity and effectiveness of long-form content as it relates to his e-commerce business. On this episode, you’ll hear why he thinks this trend is happening and how he advises you take advantage of it to get more customers and sell more products. He doesn’t hold back, so be sure you listen.

An e-commerce business idea that will increase your sales immediately.

On this episode, Ezra Firestone succinctly and clearly shares an e-commerce sales funnel that works. Are you ready for it? Create a problem-solution style video that leads to a product offer page, direct from visibility source to product offer page with retargeting to people who watched “XYX” percentage of the video, and retargeting of people who visited the product offer page, and retargeting of people who made it to the shopping cart. That’s the sales funnel most people use and one of the easiest to set up. More importantly, it’s incredibly effective. Listen to this episode to find out the details.

Outline Of This Great Episode

  • [0:22] Ryan’s introduction to his e-commerce expert guest, Ezra Firestone.
  • [4:21] A recent appearance Ryan made on national television - and TV show ideas.
  • [11:19] The things Ezra sees working in the world of e-commerce right now.
  • [18:10] How Ezra engages his audience using Facebook Messenger.
  • [24:00] The top converting tools Ezra is using.
  • [27:21] How Ezra’s team is using Pinterest to drive traffic.
  • [33:80] How Amazon sellers can strategize to build an e-commerce business.
  • [36:36] Who you can learn from at Ezra’s upcoming event.
  • [42:33] Why Ezra believes you have to be a maniac to become an entrepreneur.

Action Steps From This Episode

FOR GREATER SUCCESS: For an e-commerce funnel that works: Create a problem-solution style video that leads to a product-offer page, direct from visibility source to product offer page with retargeting to people who watched “XYX” percentage of the video, and retargeting of people who visited the product offer page, and retargeting of people who made it to the shopping cart. That’s the sales funnel most people use and one of the easiest to set up. More importantly, it’s incredibly effective.

Connect With Today’s guest: Ezra Firestone

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Resources Mentioned On This Episode

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P.S. Tickets for this year’s Capitalism Conference (Formerly Freedom Fast Lane LIVE) are now on sale. Go get your tickets here!

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Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am EDT

We all want to make more money. But what would it be like if you could learn how to make more money in less time? That’s something worth looking into, right? Ryan’s got a sort of a mini-rant for you on this episode about how he learned to make more money in less time - and it means being intentional about creating space in your life when you are “off” from your business pursuits. It sounds a bit counterintuitive but you should at least listen, he's got a point. It’s on this episode of Freedom Fast Lane.Take time to recharge your batteries so you actually CAN make more money.

Many people feel that they can’t afford to take time off, especially once they are full-thrust into their entrepreneurial endeavors. But Ryan has noticed that those who are successful at building something big are also careful to take time off, totally away from the business. In his way of thinking it’s about giving yourself the space to rest and clear your mind so that you can be a better asset for the business when you return. Ryan says that’s how to make more money in less time. Be sure you listen.

Is it important to find what you’re passionate about before you start a business?

On this episode, Ryan answers a question from a listener about the role passion plays in starting a business. She’s concerned that if she’s not passionate about the thing her business does, she might wind up burning out or hating her business in the end. Ryan has a bit of a contrarian view on this issue, but it’s one you could learn a lot from - simply because it dispels some of the ridiculous dogma that’s going around these days about following your passion. Find out why you should NOT wait to discover your passion, on this episode.

What should you do if you have $10K in the bank? Start a business? Invest? Something else?

$10,000 is a good chunk of change to have available. If you found yourself in that place, what would you do? What’s the BEST thing to do? Ryan says there are many options and they all depend on your situation. On this episode of Freedom Fast Lane, in response to a listener question, Ryan addresses many of the possible scenarios and gives his best advice for what to do with $10K in the bank.

Don’t waste your time trying to get somewhere else. Enjoy the journey.

The end of this episode highlights a confession of sorts from Ryan. He tells the story of how his early days as an entrepreneur were filled with a kind of angst about reaching a certain pinnacle of success he’d created in his mind. All his focus, energy, and effort were there - while life was passing him by. He’s learned a few things from the experience - one of the biggest lessons being that you need to enjoy the journey as much as you anticipate arriving at your goal. Find out how Ryan is enjoying life these days and how he got to that place, on this episode of Freedom Fast Lane.

Outline Of This Great Episode

  • [1:22] Why Ryan became an entrepreneur: to take more time off.
  • [3:00] Dialing it back and working less recharges the batteries and gets more done.
  • [5:45] Is it important to be passionate about something before starting a business?
  • [10:24] $10K in the bank - what should you do with it?
  • [14:06] Case Study: Force Sigmatic powdered drinks
  • [20:30] The time Ryan has wasted trying to get somewhere.

Resources Mentioned On This Episode

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Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am EDT

 If you want to build assets like the wealthy do, you need to understand how they do it. One of the primary vehicles used is real estate, but there are many others. Jonathan Twombly is Ryan’s guest on this episode of Freedom Fast Lane and he shares some of the things he’s learned hosting the Capital Gains podcast. There are very successful people investing in everything from website flipping, to Bitcoin, to the cannabis industry. You’ll enjoy hearing the creative ways that people are building assets and building wealth as a result, on this episode.

What is a real estate syndication and why is it useful?

Those who have money to invest but don’t have either the inclination or the time to find and research real estate deals in which to invest their money often go to a company like Two Bridges Asset Management, the company today’s guest, Jonathan Twombly runs. Jonathan’s company specializes in finding and organizing specific types of apartment building investments and inviting investors into the deal. They typically see 6 to 7 percent returns for their investors and are very particular about the kind of deals they will try to arrange. You can hear how Jonathan structures these syndications, on this episode of Freedom Fast Lane.

Making money by creating value.

The company Jonathan Twombly runs, Two Bridges Asset Management specializes in real estate syndication deals. It’s a way to structure a real estate purchase that enables many people to invest through assets such as apartment buildings. But Jonathan’s company typically doesn’t have its own money in these deals. Instead, his team works to make the deal happen, keep it rolling, and realize the returns investors are hoping for. He says that he’s creating value for everyone in the deal, which in turn makes him a profit. The lesson? If you are able to bring together people and create opportunities for them to make money, you may be able to make your money in the process.

He normally builds assets, but right now he’s waiting.

During this conversation, Ryan asked Jonathan Twombly what he and his company are investing in right now. He said they aren’t investing at all. In Jonathan’s mind, the skyrocketing market can’t continue forever and he believes that getting himself into a position to take advantage of an eventual market downturn is the best thing he can do right now instead of getting into a deal at the height of the cycle. On this episode, you can hear Jonathan explain why he’s taking a break from investing presently and what he’s doing to be prepared for the time when he will invest again, so be sure you listen.

Real estate is usually the first thought when building assets. But it’s not the only game in town.

As host of the Capital Gains podcast, Jonathan Twombly has had some pretty interesting conversations with people who build assets in a variety of ways. He’s spoken with people who invest in precious metals, others who purchase, improve, and flip websites, some who are investing heavily in cryptocurrencies, and still others who are building companies to support the burgeoning cannabis industry. If you want some ideas about how you can build assets that don’t have to do with real estate, Jonathan has some insights for you on this episode.

Outline Of This Great Episode

  • [0:24] Ryan’s invitation to follow what’s going on at
  • [1:10] Intro to this conversation with Jonathan Twombly.
  • [4:40] Jonathan’s 60-second intro to his company and himself.
  • [5:41] An example of what a real estate syndication might look like.
  • [9:25] Why it takes value to make money.
  • [11:08] Why Jonathan and Ryan don’t like Marco Rubio.
  • [13:26] Does Jonathan see political policies impacting his investment decisions?
  • [15:25] Some of the most interesting ways Jonathan has heard of people making cash.
  • [18:10] How do the rich invest their money most often?
  • [24:11] Jonathan’s thoughts about Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.
  • [27:26] What is Jonathan buying right now?
  • [30:35] The next business downturn and what to do now to prepare.
  • [32:19] Jonathan’s advice to those looking to invest their profits.
  • [35:56] What Jonathan is aiming to do with the Capital Gains podcast.

Action Steps From This Episode

FOR GETTING STARTED: Be patient. The time is coming when the rapidly rising markets are going to come down. Those who are ready to invest when that happens will be the ones who are in the best position.

FOR GREATER SUCCESS: Keep in mind that it takes value to make money. If you are able to bring together people and create opportunities for them to make money, you may be able to make your money in the process.

Connect With Today’s guest: Jonathan Twombly

Resources Mentioned On This Episode

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Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am EDT