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One of the results of Ryan’s disappointment with Grant Cardone’s presentation at Freedom Fast Lane LIVE 2015 is that he’s been on the hunt for someone accomplished in real estate investing who could and would teach him how to move beyond the steps he’s already taken. J Massey is the guy he found - and he generously shares his expertise on this episode. J has literally gone from no money in the bank to ultra-successful real estate investor and has done all of it using other people’s money to build a real estate portfolio and passive income. If you are at all curious about building your own real estate investment business, this episode is for you.

You shouldn’t use your own money as the primary funding source for real estate investments.

Many people make a simple mistake when it comes to getting started in real estate investing. Here’s a likely scenario: You find a great deal on a duplex and decide to purchase it. The asking price is $120K and you have $150K in the bank. You buy the property outright thinking that no debt is good debt. But here’s the problem. You just tied up $120K of your own money in a property that will cash flow approximately $700 per month. What’s wrong with that? You could have used that same $120K as down payment on 3 or more properties that would each cash flow that much. So instead of $2100 coming in each month, you’re stuck with $700. Make sense? This is one of the many tips J Massey shares on this episode so be sure you take the time to listen.

Build relationships with property managers in your markets to find the people who make deals.

It may sound a bit counterintuitive at first but J Massey suggests that one of the first things you do if you’re looking to invest in an unfamiliar market is to find the local property managers and work to build good relationships with them. They are the men and women who not only know the rental market in the area but who also know the various agents and wholesalers who actually do deals on property. They can steer you clear of the people who are all talk and no action and point you toward the people who know how to work with you to get properties under contract and purchased. J’s got tons to share on this episode so do yourself the favor of hearing what he’s got to say.

Why real estate deals that are on the MLS are not the ones you want.

During this conversation on Freedom Fast Lane, Ryan asked real estate investor J Massey why he doesn’t look for deals on the MLS or other public listing sites. J had a very simple answer. The deals you find there are typically ones that investors like him have already passed by. That should tell you something. There is something about the deal, in most cases, that makes it less of a deal than it may first appear. Instead of using the MLS J works to build relationships with wholesalers, other investors, and agents in the area who can help him find the unpublished properties he can purchase, renovate, and turn into cash flow machines. If you want to know how to find those kinds of deals you need to hear J’s experienced advice, on this episode.

J Massey will be at Freedom Fast Lane LIVE 2016 as part of our investor panel.

One of the great things about the FFL events is that we bring together some of the top names in business and investing to give you an incredible education, one that will take your business and your investment portfolio to a whole new level if you apply what you learn. J Massey will be part of this year's event, serving as one of the members of our All-Star Real Estate Investing panel. You’re not only going to hear from the things J has learned over the years but also gain insight from other successful investors about how you can get started investing in real estate yourself. This one session of the event is going to be worth the price of admission all by itself. Listen to this episode to hear how you can be part of the Freedom Fast Lane LIVE 2016 event.

Outline Of This Great Episode

  • [0:04] Ryan’s introduction to J Massey, another guest at Freedom Fast Lane LIVE 2016.
  • [2:08] The reason Ryan invited J to make up for Grant Cardone (really).
  • [5:35] Ryan’s current situation and J’s response and suggestions.
  • [13:58] Why cash flow matters more than portfolio value.
  • [15:02] Why wouldn’t Ryan use a bank to finance property acquisition?
  • [24:40] Where J finds his best deals (2 strategies).
  • [32:20] How property managers can help you find the right realtors to work with.
  • [34:54] J’s process for weeding out the deals he doesn’t want.
  • [44:30] How J advises Ryan to move forward from here.
  • [46:54] The way J evaluates a market for potential investment purchases.
  • [50:06] J’s top 11 ideas for getting into real estate investing.
  • [51:26] Your invitation to Freedom Fast Lane LIVE 2016.

Action Steps From This Episode

FOR GETTING STARTED: Get clear on the value of leveraging other people’s money to create cash flow for yourself. It’s not unethical and it’s not as risky as you might think because you have a property for collateral that can always be sold to pay off the debt in a pinch.

FOR GREATER SUCCESS: Build relationships with people on the ground in the market where you want to invest. They can save you a long and painful learning curve and help you get deals flowing faster and more effectively.

Connect With Today’s guest: J MASSEY - get your free resources from J Massey


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It’s one thing to grow a business. It’s another thing to grow an ultra-successful business. But it’s even more exciting and inspiring when someone builds an ultra-successful business so that he can self-fund another venture that will change the world. That’s exactly what Mike Dillard is doing. He’s got a vision to create an amazing product that will change the way the average person receives their nutrition in a healthier, pesticide-free way. You won’t want to miss the huge vision and incredible passion Mike shares on this episode of Freedom Fast Lane.

Why you need to be totally transparent with your audience.

When Mike Dillard was working alongside the team at The Elevation Group he had the opportunity to connect his following with an investment guru from Australia who turned out to be a crook. Many people lost a good deal of money and Mike took the responsibility fully on his own shoulders. Part of taking responsibility meant that he had to be honest with his following, which he did through posting everything online for everyone to see. He discovered that the level of honesty that act required enabled him to build trust with his audience like nothing else - and that it is that kind of trust that fuels incredible business success. You can hear the story and how Mike and his team recovered from such a serious misstep, on this episode.

Does your distribution strategy resonate with who you are?

When Ryan asked Mike Dillard how he’s been so effective at getting his content and offers in front of the people it’s designed for, Mike started his answer by saying all the things he didn’t do - and why. Mike has discovered that the most effective marketing approaches are the ones that jive with the way you as an entrepreneur are wired. That’s one of the reasons Mike spends very little time on social media and instead leverages his own strengths to market his message more effectively. You can get the entire story on this episode of Freedom Fast Lane so be sure you listen.

Making money is only the first step on your journey.

Mike Dillard truly believes that anyone who is running their own business is doing an incredible thing for themselves, their family, and the world. But he also believes that it can’t be allowed to stop there. Every successful entrepreneur has the ability to establish businesses that provide the recurring revenue that can launch something even bigger. On this episode of Freedom Fast Lane, you are going to hear a vision so huge that you won’t believe it possible, but Mike Dillard is the kind of guy who can deliver it… and WILL deliver it.

Meet Mike Dillard and his entire board of advisors at Freedom Fast Lane LIVE 2016.

Last year’s FFL LIVE event was an amazing time of learning, growth, and connections that have fueled tons of movement and progress for everyone who attended. And believe it or not, this year’s event is going to be even bigger and more impacting. One of the powerful things the FFL team is bringing to the event is a live strategy session featuring Mike Dillard and his incredible team of high-level advisors. Together they will blow your mind by bringing you an incredible experience that will help you achieve clarity, insight, and direction in your businss pursuits. You won’t want to miss this event so find out how you can get in on it by listening to this episode.

Outline Of This Great Episode

  • [0:06] Ryan’s introduction of Mike Dillard, one of the speakers at FFL 2016.
  • [2:57] How Mike got started as an entrepreneur and moved on from there.
  • [6:00] The reason Mike moved toward investing instead of simply making money.
  • [10:05] Why making money is only step one to your journey.
  • [17:36] The strategies Mike has used to build and maintain an audience.
  • [23:26] Mike’s distribution strategy for his content and offerings.
  • [31:51] Advice Mike received from some high level folks he knows.
  • [35:00] Why Mike created his successful business to fund a world-changing product.
  • [50:51] What is the Self Made Man podcast and what is Mike doing it for?
  • [54:47] Why you need to meet Mike and his board of advisors at FFL 2016.

Action Steps From This Episode

FOR GREATER SUCCESS: Be totally transparent with your audience in the ups and the downs. That enables your following to growth their trust for you as you share even the embarrassing mistakes and missteps. It’s such a rare thing that people gravitate toward it.

FOR GETTING STARTED: Take responsibility for yourself and the state you are in both in life and financially. When you make that decision you’ll see that only you can change your future.

Connect With Today’s guest: MIKE DILLARD



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It may sound strange to hear that there’s not much difference in what it takes to build a $1 million business and a $10 million business - but it’s true. The same talents, strengths, and hard work that it takes to build the smaller revenue business is required for the larger revenue business - it just takes a different application and approach. On this episode, Ryan does a collaboration with Jaime Masters of Eventual Millionaire around the subject of offloading the things that you as the owner of your company should not be doing - so that you can do the things you really need to do in order to push the needle forward. This is a live session from Freedom Fast Lane LIVE 2015 that you will find incredibly helpful.

Everything is an investment. Everything.

One of the fundamental mindsets that Jaime Masters has discovered is common among those who are worth one million dollars or more is that they see everything - everything - as an investment. That means their time, their hobbies, their work, their finances, their health, their exercise - everything. An attitude like that enables them to evaluate every decision more carefully for the sake of maximizing their life potential. When they are able to do that, everything in their life is amplified. It takes a while to get started with the diligence required for this mindset but once it’s in place you become unstoppable. You can hear some of the ways Ryan and Jaime brainstorm putting this habit in place, on this episode of Freedom Fast Lane.

Asking for help is ridiculously important for growth.

People who build ultra-successful companies don’t do it on their own. In fact, many of them have learned the hard way that the more they try to do everything themselves or have all the good ideas on their own, the less successful they wind up becoming. On this episode, Jaime Masters points out that millionaires are quick to bring in consultants and high-level advisors to give them insight into the things that will move their key areas forward. That’s because they know that the longer they wait, the easier it is to stall out and get stuck in a rut of non-productivity. Find out more about how you can get the help you need at the right time, on this episode of Freedom Fast Lane.

It’s your team that is going to elevate your company.

There’s a saying made famous by Jim Collins that you’ve got to make sure that you get the right people on the bus. That means hiring the right team with the right people in the right places within your company. If you aren’t careful about this you’ll spin your wheels for a long time dealing with team members who don’t fit the role they are in or are not equipped to handle the things they are asked to do. The right kind of hiring process is not easy to create and implement but there are some very important things you can put in place to ensure that you decrease the odds of getting the wrong person on your company’s bus. You can hear some tips about how to set up that kind of process on this episode.

If paying $20 per hour for menial tasks is a threat to your company, something is very, very wrong.

There is a point in every business where you know you need to bring on team members to take the weight of menial responsibilities off of your own shoulders. But often what winds up happening is that you can’t bring yourself to do it because you’ve been necessarily pinching pennies for so long that you feel like you can’t afford to take that step. Yes, it’s risky in ways, but if you can free yourself up to do the activities that really move your business forward you’ll wind up more fulfilled and better able to generate the revenue it takes not only to keep those team members but also to bring on even more. It’s a hard but necessary step and you can learn how to make it on this episode of Freedom Fast Lane.

Outline Of This Great Episode

  • [0:06] Ryan’s introduction of this episode with Jaime Masters.
  • [1:22] Why Jaime Masters was asked to speak to this issue at FFL 2015.
  • [7:11] Why Jaime began her mission to analyze and understand millionaires.
  • [9:31] The most common answer to “How Many Hours Do You Work?”
  • [10:40] Why it’s vital to know your own core strengths.
  • [15:44] Spending the right time and energy on the right things.
  • [21:57] Habits Jaime has seen in the high level entrepreneurs and business owners.
  • [24:20] Moving from driver of the car to the captain of the ship.
  • [29:42] Asking for help is ridiculously important for growth.
  • [34:49] One example of a crazy complicated (but effective) hiring process.
  • [37:23] A hot-seat example to help you get out of your business in order to work on your business.
  • [52:08] Identifying your lowest ROI activities to purge what’s on your plate.
  • [56:12] Determining when you need a freelancer and when you need an employee.
  • [1:01:08] The first steps toward clarity, systems, and processes.
  • [1:04:46] Figuring out things as you go to build the business from where you are.
  • [1:06:59] Why millionaires wish they had hired earlier.
  • [1:07:51] When Ryan felt the dumbest: keeping people too long.
  • [1:10:06] Making agreements in advance so it’s easier to fire when you need to.
  • [1:13:29] Parting advice for entrepreneurs: be clear on the activities that make a difference.
  • [1:15:18] How to handle a team member who needs to be driving their own bus.
  • [1:22:33] What is the culture index?

Action Steps From This Episode

FOR GREATER SUCCESS: Clarify what is supposed to be on your plate as CEO of the company and ruthlessly figure out how to remove everything else.

FOR GETTING STARTED: Write down everything you are doing right now. Everything. Then put those tasks under headings of what they are - customer service - accounting - marketing - CEO responsibilities, etc. Once you see everything you can begin to see what’s sucking up your time and how you can delegate some of those less important things so you can focus on what is vital.

Connect With Today’s guest: JAIME MASTERS


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If you are an entrepreneur who spends any time online and you haven’t heard of Gary Vaynerchuk, you must be living on another planet. Gary is a no-nonsense, opinionated, powerful personality who is the king of hustle and grind. He was one of the speakers at Freedom Fast Lane 2015 and rocked the house with his energy and vulnerability. We got to see a side of Gary that surprised almost everyone in the room. This episode of Freedom Fast Lane is the Q&A session that Ryan Daniel Moran did with Gary V. and it’s full of all kinds of gems for you to digest and apply to help leverage your business toward greater success. Take the time to listen. It could set you on a new trajectory.

Hustle and grind VS 4 hour work week

Gary Vaynerchuk is the king of hustle and grind. He’s well known for his criticisms of people who complain that they don’t have enough time to get the work done yet binge watch popular TV shows. In this Q&A episode, Ryan asks Gary how he compares his 15 hours a day lifestyle to the 4-hour workweek approach that Tim Ferriss and others advocate. Gary’s answer is not as aggressive as you might think and his thoughts about life hacking and optimization take on a tone that wasn’t expected. But that’s what you’ve come to expect from Gary V, right? The unexpected.

How does Gary Vaynerchuk stay on the cutting edge without getting distracted by shiny objects?

That’s a great question, especially in light of the fact that Gary seems to be everywhere - Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Youtube, and more. Like Gary himself, his answer to this question is over the top. In a few simple words, you just do it. If you want to hear how Gary proposes you just do it that will take a bit more time to explain - so be sure you do whatever it takes to hear his answer. The only hint you get is that it takes hard work and hustle. Surprise, Surprise. :)

When does Gary V. think risk is appropriate and when is it to be avoided?

When Gary heard this question in the Q&A session of Freedom Fast Lane 2015 he laughed out loud… and responded with a few choice words! Gary believes that the entrepreneurial life IS a life of risk. You can’t get around it. If you don’t want risk, don’t be an entrepreneur. He quickly admits that there is a huge difference between calculated, smart risk and spontaneous, stupid risk. If you’d like to hear his take on how you discern which is which, you’ll want to listen to his response on this episode. In the end, it comes down to this: if you’re going to play in the big game you’ve got to be ready to risk some things.

When are online platforms like Udemy a good idea? Gary Vaynerchuk weighs in.

Gary V. has a course or two on Udemy. He says he uploaded them mainly to understand the experience, offer something helpful, and evaluate the impact of a platform of that nature. He understands that folks who are just starting out or who don’t have a strong platform of their own may need to use Udemy or a similar platform to garner initial sales. But his advice is this: Why be content to give someone like Udemy a significant amount of your profits? Work hard to build your brand, get noticed and play your trade through Udemy and other similar platforms for a while. But once you’ve built your following, take your stuff back to your own platform and make all the money for yourself. You can hear other practical insights like this from Gary Vaynerchuk on this episode.

Outline Of This Great Episode

  • [0:04] Ryan’s intro to this episode and his guest today, Gary Vaynerchuk.
  • [2:01] Why Ryan wants to know Gary’s strategy for buying the N.Y. Jets.
  • [5:06] Comparing Gary’s approach to that of Tim Ferriss.
  • [7:53] The leverage points of Gary’s meteoric growth.
  • [8:50] Staying on the cutting edge VS getting distracted by shiny objects.
  • [11:47] Why Gary doesn’t like success but does like the road to it.
  • [20:35] The activities and habits that produce Gary’s greatest return today.
  • [25:50] Gary’s business strategy to own the New York Jets.
  • [29:24] How does Gary view and evaluate risk?
  • [34:27] Why Gary V. sees a punch in the mouth as the solution for the political divide.
  • [38:14] Gary’s opinion of Udemy and using ads to drive traffic there.
  • [40:15] How can a subscription model be created around repurposing great content?
  • [42:54] What skill sets should kids in school be taught to help them succeed?
  • [46:04] How to move a physical business into the online space.
  • [49:52] How does Gary keep from burning out? He loves it.
  • [54:18] How do you decide to do more when you’ve been very successful?
  • [100:03] The amazing thing about entrepreneurship VS being a professional athlete.

Action Steps From This Episode

FOR GREATER SUCCESS: Find things that are working. Buy or invest in them. Improve them. Sell them for a profit. Do it again.

FOR GETTING STARTED: Stop talking and start working. Don’t say that you don’t have time if you’re sitting at home binging on Game of Thrones.

Connect With Today’s guest: GARY VAYNERCHUK

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There are many entrepreneurs who start out with a bang but they can’t maintain the pace they set for themselves. They have huge success but it levels off and they move into a season of a very long plateau. Have you ever wondered why the plateau lasts so long? What is it that keeps us there? In this address from the Freedom Fast Lane LIVE 2015 event, Travis Sago shares how he has been able to accelerate his business unbelievably and get back up quickly when he gets knocked down - and generate even more revenue. The answer is not a business issue, it’s a mindset issue and Travis is going to tell you all about it on this episode.

How to get your mojo back after a setback.

How many times have you had a setback of some sort and found yourself in a mild (or serious) depression as a result? You have no motivation. You have no energy to do the work needed to start the upward climb again. You begin to ask yourself stupid questions, like “Is this even worth it?” Why do we get stuck in that doldrums place for so long? Travis Sago believes it’s because we’ve attached our personal value to the success of our business. When you do that it’s nearly impossible to rebound because the circumstance has proven to you that you’re a failure (or so it seems). Listen as Travis lays out the way to get your mind convinced that you are “10” in terms of value no matter what happens in your business.

Can you honestly say that you are at “10” when it comes to personal value?

Nobody is perfect and nobody is a raging success all the time. But those things have nothing to do with your personal value as a human being. You are you - and are as valuable as you can be regardless of what you do. Can you get your mind around that? Can you believe it? You need to because it’s true. It’s the reality for every human being. But we live in a culture that has convinced us that value is tied to performance when the truth is, it has never been. Travis Sago has discovered that a change at this point - in your mindset - can change everything for you moving forward. Listen to this episode to find out how it’s changed him and many people he’s advised.

You need to keep growing because it is nature’s way.

Many times when we look at ourselves we have a hard time believing that our value is at a “10” simply because we see our own flaws. We are impatient. We are sometimes pushy or unkind. We don’t do things the way we’d like to do them. All that means is that you need to keep growing, not that you have less value than other people. Growth is the way of nature, it’s the state you’re supposed to be in all the time. When you limit yourself by listening to lies about your value, you stop growing. And that’s why you get stuck or plateau. Travis Sago has some great stories to tell on this episode to help you get unstuck and moving again.

Your next level of success could be waiting at Freedom Fast Lane LIVE 2016

This episode is just one of the great talks from last year’s Freedom Fast Lane LIVE event. Gary Vaynerchuk, Pat Flynn, and many others were also on the lineup alongside Travis Sago. This year’s event promises to be even bigger and better, and it’s happening the second week of December in Austin, TX. If you need to be around successful, eager, hungry entrepreneurs who can help you think through your roadblocks and get your head on straight so that you can move your life and business to the next level, you’ve got to come. Listen to this episode to find out how you can get in on the good stuff this year.

Outline Of This Great Episode

  • [0:04] Ryan’s introduction to Travis Sago, a guy who is unbelievably able to simplify goals.
  • [4:19] Why Ryan trusts Travis’ help and wisdom more than anyone.
  • [12:56] Starting the process toward a monumental increase in success.
  • [16:44] One shift to get up and back to your success faster after a setback.
  • [23:32] What happens when you believe that your value is always a “10.”
  • [25:25] The energy drain it is when you combine your role and your value.
  • [37:57] You need to keep growing because it is nature’s way.
  • [46:06] Imagine yourself as a sand castle…
  • [50:09] The impact these events have on those who attend - and how you can get involved in 2016.

Action Steps From This Episode

FOR GREATER SUCCESS:.Don’t rest in your success. You need to keep growing because it’s the way of nature.

FOR GETTING STARTED:. Determine that your value is a “10” regardless of any performance or success.

Connect With Today’s guest: TRAVIS SAGO


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One of the most prevalent things you hear from the personal development gurus out there is about the power of limiting beliefs. The standard party line is that you need to focus on removing those limiting beliefs because, well - they limit you. But Jesse Elder says that you don’t need to focus on removing limiting beliefs, you simply need to ignore them - because what you ignore goes away. Jesse’s got all kinds of outside-the-box perspectives on life and personal growth and he shares a lot of them in this episode - his keynote address at Freedom Fast Lane LIVE 2015.

Life is a process of harvesting seeds that were planted long ago.

And If you want to make changes in your life, the only way to do that is to plant new seeds. It’s true. Every day you are receiving the benefits of what others in the past have done - harvesting seeds. Life will continue on as it has been unless you do something to add to the process, something that plants your own seeds of opportunity, ambition, and success. On this episode, Jesse Elder shares his unique perspective on how you can practice what he calls active appreciation - and he tells how it can not only bring more success to your life but also build a greater sense of contentment and peace for yourself.

If you really want what you say you want, you have to do more. Intentions are not enough.

It’s true that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. That’s because good intentions with no action to back them up are nothing but worthless fantasies. Change, growth, and success are things that you have to take action to see come about. But first you’ve got to be clear on what it is that you want - and why. Listen to this episode as Jesse Elder shares why your road to success is not about focusing on some future goal but rather about measuring where you’ve come. It sounds a bit counter-intuitive so make sure you take the time to hear it straight from Jesse’s own lips.

Look forward but measure backward: the way to grow toward success.

It is important to have goals. It’s important to have something to shoot for. But you’ll put yourself in the gap between where you are and where you want to be if the only thing you do is assess the distance between those two places. You’ll wind up stuck, unable to move because you’re in the middle of a chasm between want and reality with no clear way forward. Jesse Elder recommends that you look forward to those dreams you long for, but to then look backward to measure how far you’ve come. In doing so you’ll build confidence that is tangible, based on the things you’ve already achieved - and that confidence will breed more confidence, which leads to the creativity needed to fashion future success.

We entrepreneurs can bring an idea into the world that truly makes a difference.

One of the most important aspects of being an entrepreneur is not that you get to build your own lifestyle of freedom (though that IS important). Entrepreneurs are the only people in the world who get to bring an idea into reality, move it into the realm of people’s awareness, and through that idea make beneficial changes in the lives of those people. Entrepreneurs are the ones who change the world - iteration at a time, product by product. Hear how Jesse Elder advises entrepreneurs to set goals and move toward them for the good of the world, on this keynote address from the Freedom Fast Lane LIVE 2015 event.

Outline Of This Great Episode

  • [0:05] Ryan’s embarrassing confession about his first 5 years of entrepreneurism.
  • [2:20] Why Jesse Elder was the first to speak at FFL 2015.
  • [10:00] What is the expectation you have of yourself to learn and then implement?
  • [11:02] How Jesse learned that looking forward zaps your confidence.
  • [20:20] The number one job of leaders: Keep your own confidence high.
  • [23:03] A real life exercise to practice the skill of looking forward, measuring backward.
  • [28:25] Why you can’t sit around waiting for something good to happen.
  • [36:47] Through your perception, reality is born.
  • [39:50] The crushing power of, “Yeah, but..”
  • [45:57] The benefits of practicing active appreciation in every circumstance.
  • [51:13] How Jesse learned to appreciate everything and need nothing, through MMA style fighting.

Action Steps From This Episode

FOR GETTING STARTED: Learn how to look forward but measure backward. That’s the only way you can build up your confidence toward success and build more success.

FOR GREATER SUCCESS:.Destroy the power of the two words that can crush your dreams and potential for success: “Yeah, but.”

Connect With Today’s guest: JESSE ELDER


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