Mon, 25 January 2021
Today, I’m joined by our Product and Community Manager, Justus Murimi. Before joining the team, Justus was a pastor with a heart for coaching entrepreneurs. He noticed a few unique challenges entrepreneurs face, and he’s gotten really good at helping them get unstuck so they can thrive in all areas of life. Justus has been taking calls with members of our community, The One Percent, bringing his unique ability to hear what’s really going on for them. It’s amazing what getting clarity can do to help entrepreneurs make sometimes tough decisions their business needs them to make. In this episode, Justus works some of his magic on me. I asked him where he sees me getting stuck, and he nailed it. As he lays it all out for me, I’m betting you’ll think he’s talking about you, too! Give it a listen, and let me know what part of this conversation gets your head nodding the most.