with Ryan Daniel Moran

There are few people Ryan has learned from in his entrepreneurial journey who hold a place of high respect in his mind, on the same level as Dan Sullivan. Dan is one of the first long-distance mentors Ryan met on his entrepreneurial journey, and they met through one of Dan's older CD courses, “Pure Genius.” Dan’s influence on Ryan’s life has been immense and Ryan dreamed of the day he’d be able to present Dan to the FFL audience - and this is that day. On this episode, you’ll come to understand why Dan is such a powerful entrepreneurial coach as he and Ryan discuss politics, economics, history, the entrepreneurial brain, the true barometer of success, and much more.

What if your gauge of entrepreneurial success is all wrong?

Most of us who are entrepreneurs have come to believe that the real barometer of our success is the revenue we are able to generate. But Dan Sullivan says that’s the wrong metric to track if you want to know how successful an entrepreneur is. Instead, you need to look at how much freedom the person enjoys in life. It’s out of their sense of freedom that the entrepreneur is able to experience the energy and creativity that enables him/her to produce the products or services that benefit the people they serve. That is the true measure of success.

Why entrepreneurs set more people free than any other group.

We often consider national leaders or activists to be the people who are working the most to provide freedom to others. But Dan Sullivan says that he discovered long ago that entrepreneurs are the one class of people who truly enable others to be free. On this episode of Freedom Fast Lane, you will hear Dan and Ryan discuss why entrepreneurs are so effective at creating freedom and how their efforts provide more good to the world than most other areas of service. If you are an entrepreneur, you will be encouraged by what they have to share.

Self-imposed deadlines are what kill many entrepreneurs.

Time freedom is one of the most important commodities that any entrepreneur can have. But it is often the time sensitive issues that plague and overwhelm the average entrepreneur. On this episode, Dan Sullivan shares how most entrepreneurs set themselves up for failure by self-imposed deadlines that are neither wise nor productive. In the end, they wind up sapping their own energy and preventing themselves from accomplishing the very things they set out to do. There is a better way and on this episode, Dan Sullivan shares what it is.

Use your idea of the future for a target, but measure backward to know how far you've come.

Discouragement is plentiful on the entrepreneurial path, all of us have to face it from time to time. But Dan Sullivan says that many entrepreneurs discourage themselves by measuring their accomplishments according to the vision they have of the future rather than measuring according to how far they have come. He refers to that vision of who you want to be as “the gap” and on this episode of Freedom Fast Lane Dan explains how you can identify it, use it to your advantage, and stay encouraged on your entrepreneurial journey.

Outline Of This Great Episode

  • [0:24] Ryan’s introduction of his mentor, Dan Sullivan.
  • [5:54] Dan’s definition of capitalism.
  • [9:26] Why Dan believes that progressivism is on the way out.
  • [15:18] How entrepreneurs can stay focused on what is important and what is not.
  • [23:25] What can be done to unwind entrepreneurs who have become overwhelmed?
  • [33:30] Why does Elon Musk seem unhappy but Richard Branson seems happy?
  • [43:31] Dan’s thoughts about the entrepreneurial brain.
  • [50:25] Identifying the gap between who you are and who you think you should be.

Action Steps From This Episode

FOR GETTING STARTED: Identify the tasks and activities that energize and delght you the most and do what you can to build your business around those things. You'll wind up happier in the long run, which is what attracts customers the most. It's a win-win.

FOR GREATER SUCCESS: Measure your success by looking back on where you've come, not by looking forward at where you dreamed you would be.

Connect With Today’s guest: DAN SULLIVAN

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